Computing and Networks

Bluetooth USB dongle firmware error in Ubuntu 16.04 – 16.10

After having a running battle with my, what turns out, cheap Chinese CSR clone bluetooth USB adaptor (maybe more on that in another post).  I purchased a more expensive adaptor to trouble shoot some issues.  The time round I picked up a Targus brand from the local office supply store that based on the  Broadcom… Continue reading Bluetooth USB dongle firmware error in Ubuntu 16.04 – 16.10

Computing and Networks

macports the tools I’m used to. YAY!

Awesome, a HUGE amount of tools and libraries that I’ve gotten used to having at my fingertips can be had on my Mac’s thanks to the efforts of the macports community.  More details and downloads can be found on the macports website. Installation and/or upgrading is easy and clearly explained.  There are a few dependancies that… Continue reading macports the tools I’m used to. YAY!