Computing and Networks

FreeIPA in Centos 8 lxc container

As apart of creating a new home lab and home services and network infrastructure, I’ve opted to go with FreeIPA with integrated DNS as my centralised identity management platform. I could have installed Windows Server 2019 on my servers and called it a day with added cost but with AAA idm, storage, hypervisor etc etc in a single shiny package but but…back on topic

FreeIPA in a container. Why? containers allow for greater density in my servers. I’m using proxmox as my storage and hypervisor cluster infrastructure. I’ve seen information on running FreeIPA as a docker application as well as in a virtual machine. My decision to run in it in a machine container was mainly resource constraints and proxmox supports LXC out of box and is the way they do containers.

The assumptions here are that you:

  • Have created a CentOS 8 lxc container using whatever method (proxmox GUI/CLI or LXD) and whatever server (proxmox, cloud VM or other linux server).
  • Are going to setup 2 containers with FreeIPA in master/master replication. I mean, this will be the life blood of auth, access and dns for the entire network, lets have a spare up our sleeve. Oh, and containers in a cluster can be moved around the different servers. nothing like a bit of redundancy.

Only gotcha at this point, is if you controlling container resources, is to make sure you have memory 2048M minimum or ipa-server-install will fail at [6/9] updating and a whole lot of ldap errors.

For my setup I have:

[root@pve1:~]#pct config 501 
arch: amd64 
cores: 2 features: 
hostname: ipa01 
memory: 4096 
onboot: 1 
ostype: centos 
rootfs: size=8G 
swap: 512 
unprivileged: 1

Let us begin

let’s get some preliminary house keeping out of the way fist.

My environment:

LXC containers = 2 x CentOS 8
domain = hugel.lan
firewall zone = internal
first instance name = ipa01
first instance ip =
first instance hostname = ip01.hugel.lan
second instance name =ipa02
second instance ip =
second instance hostname = ipa02.hugel.lan
DNS forwarders:
container user = conop
ntp servers =,

Gain shell/console access into your container using either lxc console ipa01 or lxc exec ipa01 — /bin/sh.

Do a yum update, setup and check ip address and internet connectivity. create a user with wheel group membership.

# useradd conop
# passwd conop
# usermod -aG wheel conop

# nmcli connection modify eth0 \
> ipv4.method manual \
> ipv4.address \
> ipv4.gateway \
> ipv4.dns
# nmcli connection down eth0 ; nmcli c up eth0
# ping
# ping

# timedatectl set-timezone Austrlia/Perth
# timedatectl set-ntp true

# hostnamectl set-hostname ipa01.hugel.lan
# echo " ipa01.hugel.lan ipa01 \n192.168.1.36 ipa02.hugel.lan ipa02" >> /etc/hosts
# mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf-BAK
# echo -e "search hugel.lan\nnameserver \nnameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

# yum update
# yum install openssh-server sudo less firewalld audit -y
# systemctl enable sshd --now
# systemctl status sshd
# systemctl enable firewalld --now
# systemctl status firewalld

# exit

There, now we have functional, connected and fresh container that we can ssh into as conop, probably using a laptop siting in a comfy chair with a nice a drink…just saying.

OK! Settle in to install and setup FreeIPA (Hint: nice drink!).

Install and Configure FreeIPA

(and also fix)

Since we are running FreeIPA in a container (system cgroups) vs. a virtual machine (paravirtualised hardware) there are somethings that will bite the installation and running process as we are running an OS within another OS, not on top of.

FreeIPA in LXC gotcha! It will fail to install with

"Fatal error : adjtimex(0x8001) failed : Operation not permitted"

Apparently chronyd doesn’t like running in a container. Lucky enough, developers involved with chronyd wanted to do just that, so a fix was made. Tell it that it is running in a container (why this change is not apart of the container image is a mystery).

edit (i.e. vi) /etc/sysconfig/chronyd and add -x to OPTIONS=”” e.g.

# Command-line options for chronyd
/etc/sysconfig/chronyd (END)

Now we need to take care of selinux and the firewall. Set selinux to permissive mode and make it permanent and open up ALL the ports required by FreeIPA and replication: If you forget, the install will give you a nice reminder e.g.

You must make sure these network ports are open:
                TCP Ports:
                  * 80, 443: HTTP/HTTPS
                  * 389, 636: LDAP/LDAPS
                  * 88, 464: kerberos
                  * 53: bind
                UDP Ports:
                  * 88, 464: kerberos
                  * 53: bind
                  * 123: ntp

Use the built in firewall-cmd profiles to easily take care of the ports.

# firewall-cmd --get-active-zone
# firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=internal
# firewall-cmd --zone=internal --list-services
# firewall-cmd --add-service={freeipa-ldap,freeipa-ldaps,freeipa-replication,dns,ntp} --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --zone=internal --list-services

We also need to deal with security enhanced linux (SELinux), kernel level LSM (Linux Security Modules) by putting it into Permissive mode and making the change stick over reboots, basically disabling it from enforcing policy but still logging violations so we can get a sense of what is happening and make the required SELinux policy changes after we have everything working (a much later blog post).

# setenforce Permissive
# sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permisive/' /etc/selinux/config

Now is a good time to reboot the container (a couple of seconds) before we put the meat into this sandwich, just to make sure that everything is as it should be, maybe get a refill of that nice drink.

Here be Dragons!

CentOS and RedHat 8 have introduced Appstream modules. That is, installing freeipa is a bit different now days…and a bit better (but not perfect). Install the DL1 stream of the IDM module

# dnf module -y install idm:DL1/{server,dns} 

and run ipa-server-install and good luck……..

No, there is a bit more to it if you would like to increase your success in installing and running FreeIPA, though just running the abouve command will prompt you through to the finish, you maybe missing out on some items. Run “ipa-server-install –help” for a list of all the switches and a better understanding of what I have used. Be aware that the way I did it will put the birectory manger and the admin user password in clear text in history (and on the screen).

Get comfy and run:

# ipa-server-install -v \
> --unattended \
> --setup-dns \
> --auto-reverse \
> --forwarder \
> --forwarder \
> --domain=hugel.lan \
> --realm=HUGEL.LAN \
> --no-host-dns \
> --idstart=3000
> --idmax=10000 \
> --setup-kra \
> -p dsStrong5ecret99 \
> -a aStrong5ecret99 \
> --ntp-server= \

AND….if all went well and after a lot of information scrolling up the screen and some time had passed (and maybe another refill of a nice drink), you should be greeted with

Be sure to back up the CA certificates stored in /root/cacert.p12
These files are required to create replicas. The password for these
files is the Directory Manager password
The ipa-server-install command was successful

There is some good advise there…back up the CA certificates. Oh and since it is a LXC container, take a snapshot.

Let’s verify the install and check in on FreeIPA and kerberos.

# ipactl status
Directory Service: RUNNING
krb5kdc Service: RUNNING
kadmin Service: RUNNING
named Service: RUNNING
httpd Service: RUNNING
ipa-custodia Service: RUNNING
pki-tomcatd Service: RUNNING
ipa-otpd Service: RUNNING
ipa-dnskeysyncd Service: RUNNING
ipa: INFO: The ipactl command was successful

# kinit admin
Password for [email protected]: 
# klist 
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
31/03/21 16:27:46  01/04/21 16:27:38  krbtgt/[email protected]

# ipa config-show 
  Maximum username length: 32
  Maximum hostname length: 64
  Home directory base: /home
  Default shell: /bin/sh
  Default users group: ipausers
  Default e-mail domain: hugel.lan
  Search time limit: 2
  Search size limit: 100
  User search fields: uid,givenname,sn,telephonenumber,ou,title
  Group search fields: cn,description
  Enable migration mode: FALSE
  Certificate Subject base: O=HUGEL.LAN
  Password Expiration Notification (days): 4
  Password plugin features: AllowNThash, KDC:Disable Last Success
  SELinux user map order: guest_u:s0$xguest_u:s0$user_u:s0$staff_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023$sysadm_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023$unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023
  Default SELinux user: unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023
  Default PAC types: MS-PAC, nfs:NONE
  IPA masters: ipa01.hugel.lan
  IPA master capable of PKINIT: ipa01.hugel.lan
  IPA CA servers: ipa01.hugel.lan
  IPA CA renewal master: ipa01.hugel.lan
  IPA DNS servers: ipa01.hugel.lan

# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=139 time=134 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 133.794/133.794/133.794/0.000 ms

All appears to be as it should. On a desktop or workstation, change the dns server setting to point to the ip address of the FreeIPA container (for me and the point a browser to the hostname of the FreeIPA container, you should be greeted with a login page, use admin and the admin password defined during the install.

Now point the browser to the search engine of you choice, if the page comes up, dns is working and you have a resource at hand to help with trouble shooting the next bit.

Reboot the container and rerun the verification commands you just ran before…..OH JOY!!!

Coercion to +++ result

Yep it’s broken (maybe not, if so..good for you, thanks for stopping by and look out for my blogs on using FreeIPA). Lets look at some commands to help you trouble shoot and research on the internet.

# systemctl status ipa.service

# systemctl status [email protected]

# journelctl -xe

In my case, which was the case in 5 container installs of FreeIPA on CentOS8, the issue was the 389 Directory service. Specifically dirsrv.service was failing to start due to missing files or directories:

# journalctl -xe
Mar 28 19:25:26 ip01 systemd-tmpfiles[206]: Failed to create directory /var/lock/dirsrv: No such file or directory
Mar 28 19:25:26 ipa01 systemd-tmpfiles[206]: Failed to create directory /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-HUGEL-LAN: No such file or directory

# journactl -fu systemd-tmpfiles 
Mar 28 19:24:19 ip01 systemd-tmpfiles[47]: Failed to create directory or subvolume "/var/lock/dirsrv": No such file or directory
Mar 28 19:24:19 ip01 systemd-tmpfiles[47]: Failed to create directory or subvolume "/var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-HUGEL-LAN": No such file or directory

Dam, these are temp directories and files created at start up, not as easy as create the directory and call it a day. Anyway, after learning more about 389ds and systemd-tmpfiles than I ever really wanted to, this appears to be some kind of bug that raised its head 7 years ago and now others seem to have the same issue now, again, with CentOS 8. not sure if it is related to running in a LXC container….but it is known.

As some internetian put it. “this is some strange race condition on boot for systemd-tmpfiles when traversing the symlinks (perhaps the double symlink for /var/lock as opposed to the single for /var/run) to the final destination to create the directories”

manually creating the temporary directory and files using the systemd-tmpfiles command proves this and manually starting dirsrv.service works or just manually start ipa.service which starts all the dependent services WORKS as expected.

# systemd-tmpfiles --create

# systemctl start ipa.service 
(or # ipactl start)
# ipactl status 

systemd-tmpfiles –create will complain about some /var/lock vs some /var/run enteries in dirsrv-HUGEL-LAN.conf. make the changes or ignore it, it made no difference as ipa.service still failed to start after a reboot). Everything is now running….though not automajically at startup…but we now know that the startup of 389ds (dirsrv) and slapd is KAPUT!……now to unKUPT

In a bid to look more into 389ds, I looked at what packages CentOS had that could help me.

# rpm -qa | grep 389

# rpm -ql 389-ds-base-legacy-tools

OMG! what is that file in that package….lets install it and have a look

# dnf install 389-ds-base-legacy-tools -y

# less /etc/dirsrv/config/template-initconfig

(contents of file)
# This file is sourced by dirsrv upon startup to set
# the default environment for a single specific directory
# server instances.  To set defaults for all instances, edit
# the file in the same directory called dirsrv.

# These settings are used by the start-dirsrv and
# start-slapd scripts (as well as their associates stop
# and restart scripts).  Do not edit them unless you know
# what you are doing.

# This file is in systemd EnvironmentFile format - see man systemd.exec
/etc/dirsrv/config/template-initconfig (END)

Really! Actually I said WTF! the gerddam missing link for dirsrv service start up. Let’s reboot and see.

A couple of seconds later….check ipa services are running, check internet connectivity and resolution, bring up the management page from a workstation. Reboot and check again

# ipactl status
# ipa-healthcheck --output-type human


and not broken.

Now that we have a working freeIPA install in a container, that survives reboots, and know the missing ingredients to success:

  • -x command line switch for chronyd, and
  • Install 389-ds-base-legacy-tools <— THIS

We can now move onto creating replicated FreeIPA master….but in another post, I feel as though this has been epic enough.

Stage 2. Setting up MASTER/MASTER FreeIPA replica server in CentOS 8:

As always….Beer and profit.

4 thoughts on “FreeIPA in Centos 8 lxc container

  1. Thanks for the guide, I don’t think I would have made it this far without your help. I followed this for installing on a Fedora 34 lxc container in proxmox, but hit a few more issues due to Fedora getting updates faster. This may hit cent/rhel in the future unless it gets fixed soon enough.

    The 389-ds-base-legacy-tools package is not available in the F34 repos. It appears the freeipa did previously require the 1.4 version and the legacy tools helped when 389 went to the 2.0 version, but freeipa did get updated to use 389 2.0 and handle the new dscreate feature.
    The latest 389-ds-base-2.0.6-1.fc34 that was auto-installed for the freeipa package has broken some compatibility so I reverted it to 2.0.3. This also reverted freeipa with it.

    # dnf –showduplicates list 389-ds-base
    # dnf install 389-ds-base-2.0.3-3.fc34
    I am now at freeipa-server-4.9.3-2.fc34 after the downgrades.

    Freeipa noticed the version change, but since this “upgade” was actually a downgrade freeipa would not start, since this was a new install I just uninstalled and tried again.
    # ipa-server-install –uninstall

    Keep in mind if you had already accessed the web interface and installed the cert and you re-install the server your browser will block access for security. You’ll need to go into the browser certs and find the one for your freeipa address. Take note of the CA. You will need to delete this one too. I didn’t take note of the CA first and now I can find which one it is so for now I can’t access freeipa from Firefox, but other browsers work.

    Not sure if I’ve ever commented on guides like this before, just wanted to give a thanks and I hope my observations help someone out too.

    1. Nice update and additional information regarding implementing this in a fedora container. Thanks for contributing.

      I’m not sure what direction I’ll go at the end of the year when cantos 8 is dropped.

      Red Hat have no intention of releasing an official RHEL lxc image, maybe Rocky can fill the gap. Fedora is too cutting edge for me and my use case, but could be ok, though I think centos stream could be a closer match.

      I’ve started looking at freeIPA server in an Ubuntu LTS container as I use that for my kubernetes cluster on LXC on Proxmox.

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